God’s Word: Guard, Seek, and Store
Core Values - Part 1.2 • Psalms 119:9-11 • October 31, 2021 • English Service 10:00 AM
Sermon Introduction
Psalm 119 is the longest psalm with 176 verses separated into 22 stanzas, representing the Hebrew alphabet. Each of the stanzas is composed of 8 verses. Each verse in a stanza begins with the same alphabet. It is a very structured and poetic psalm. The theme of the psalm is the Word of God. In the second stanza, the Psalmist explains the importance of guarding life, seeking the Lord with the whole heart, and treasuring God’s word.
Psalms 119:9-11 ESV
9 How can a young man keep his way pure?
By guarding it according to your word.
10 With my whole heart I seek you;
let me not wander from your commandments!
11 I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119 is the longest psalm with 176 verses separated into 22 stanzas, representing the Hebrew alphabet. Each of the stanzas is composed of 8 verses. Each verse in a stanza begins with the same alphabet. It is a very structured and poetic psalm. The theme of the psalm is the Word of God. In the second stanza, the Psalmist explains the importance of guarding life, seeking the Lord with the whole heart, and treasuring God’s word.
The Psalmist asked the question about how a young man keep his way pure. The answer, to guard his life according to the word (119:9). So although the focus was on young men, it applies to all types of people.
The Psalmist stated that he sought the Lord with his whole heart. It was his desire not to wander away from His commandments (119:10). People should be proactive in seeking the Lord to avoid wandering away from His word.
The Psalmist revealed that he stored the word in his heart to not sin against God. Another way of looking at this is that he treasured the word in his heart so that he would not sin (119:11).
Guard our lives to keep them according to the word of God, especially young men who are prone to many types of temptation. If we are not on guard, then we would be prone to do the impure.
By His grace, let us seek God via prayer with a whole heart, and let us do so continually. By proactively seeking God, we avoid wandering away from the word.
Let us store God’s word in our hearts, which means that we must know the word, and we should treasure God’s word in our hearts. By doing so, the word will prevent us from sinning. This all begins with the gospel.
Discussion / Reflection
How can a person keep their way pure?
How may we not wander from God’s commands?
How may we not sin against God?