Appointed, Trained, and Sent
Core Values - Part 3 • Mark 3:14 • November 14, 2021 • English Service 10:00 AM
Sermon Introduction
The Lord called twelve disciples to be with Him for a few years. When the Lord called them to follow Him, they immediately left what they were doing and followed Him. For three years, they listened to His teachings and observed all that He did. The Lord taught them many things in private. However, the Lord also brought them along in His public ministry. In private, some would witness His prayer life. In public, they witnessed how He refuted the religious order of the time. They also witnessed how He healed many.
Mark 3:14 ESV
14 And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach
The Lord called twelve disciples to be with Him for a few years. When the Lord called them to follow Him, they immediately left what they were doing and followed Him. For three years, they listened to His teachings and observed all that He did. The Lord taught them many things in private. However, the Lord also brought them along in His public ministry. In private, some would witness His prayer life. In public, they witnessed how He refuted the religious order of the time. They also witnessed how He healed many.
The Lord Jesus appointed twelve. Later they were called apostles, minus Judas Iscariot, who sold Christ for thirty pieces of silver. The apostles replaced Judas through a process with Mattias (Acts 1:25-26).
The Lord Jesus appointed twelve so that they would be with Him. They followed Him, learned from Him, and observed His ways. They became a fellowship of brothers who trained under Christ.
The Lord Jesus appointed twelve so that they would be with Him, and so He may later send them to preach. He also gave them authority over demons. The disciples obeyed and preached the gospel of Christ.
The Lord called the twelve to follow Him. He still calls men and women to follow Him through His word. We should follow Him with our whole heart, mind, and soul when we hear the gospel.
Christ brought the twelve with Him, which meant that they had time together. The disciples observed Him and listened to Him. How do we apply this today? Through studying the writings of the Bible together.
The Holy Spirit and the word move us to proclaim the gospel. We proclaim the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord. And we proclaim repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
Discussion / Reflection
Why did the Lord appoint twelve? What was His purpose, as stated in the text?
What is the connection between being with Him and appointing them as His apostles?
What would be the result of the disciples being with Him?
How do we apply this in our church context?