Devoted Practice
Core Values - Part 4 • Acts 2:42 • November 21, 2021 • English Service 10:00 AM
Sermon Introduction
Peter preached a powerful sermon after the coming of the Holy Spirit. The people felt convicted and asked, “What shall we do?” Peter replied and said, “Repent and be baptized” (Acts 2:37-38). The Lord added three thousand that day. After repentance and baptism, Luke recorded that they practiced four main endeavors consistently. They would add other activities like feeding the widows, but they practiced main activities consistently.
Acts 2:42 ESV
42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
Peter preached a powerful sermon after the coming of the Holy Spirit. The people felt convicted and asked, “What shall we do?” Peter replied and said, “Repent and be baptized” (Acts 2:37-38). The Lord added three thousand that day. After repentance and baptism, Luke recorded that they practiced four main endeavors consistently. They would add other activities like feeding the widows, but they practiced main activities consistently.
Another way of saying “devoted” is “continued steadfastly.” It reflects consistency and intention. In other words, they endeavored to learn from the apostles, to fellowship, break bread, and pray as consistently as possible.
The believers “devoted themselves” to the “apostle’s teaching,” which is the teaching of Christ and about Christ. The teaching covers both the OT and the NT scriptures (Luke 24:44-29). They learned, and they fellowshipped together.
They also “devoted themselves” to the “breaking of bread,” which is remembering the new covenant in Christ. We also call this communion. And, of course, they continued in prayer, which is evident in other parts of the book of Acts.
Let us devote ourselves to learning and obeying the Holy Scriptures by faith. Moreover, let us commit ourselves to fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. We must not allow distractions to remove us from our commitment.
Let us consistently, with wholehearted devotion, study God’s word. Of course, we study as individuals but let us not neglect to do it together. Somehow, there seems to be a connection between the apostles' teaching and fellowship.
Let us practice communion, which is the breaking of bread and partaking of the cup. It is a special meal where we remember the New Covenant. A covenant is a divine agreement between God and men. Moreover, let us pray together.
Discussion / Reflection
What did the believers devote themselves to?
Why should we devote ourselves to these?
How may we practice these today?