Proclaim the Gospel
Core Values - Part 7 • Luke 24:44-47 • December 12, 2021 • English Service 10:00 AM
Sermon Introduction
After his resurrection, the Lord appeared to His disciples. He showed His resurrected body to them so he could comfort them and ease their doubts. The Lord even asked for something to eat. Then the disciples gave Him boiled fish. Perhaps he ate the fish to prove that He is physically present and not a spirit (Luke 24:36-43). After eating, the Lord explained the message and the mission. First, the message is the gospel, and second, the mission is to proclaim the gospel to all nations.
Luke 24:44-47 ESV
44 Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, 46 and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, 47 and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
After his resurrection, the Lord appeared to His disciples. He showed His resurrected body to them so he could comfort them and ease their doubts. The Lord even asked for something to eat. Then the disciples gave Him boiled fish. Perhaps he ate the fish to prove that He is physically present and not a spirit (Luke 24:36-43). After eating, the Lord explained the message and the mission. First, the message is the gospel, and second, the mission is to proclaim the gospel to all nations.
The Lord opened their understanding of the Holy Scriptures. He explained that He fulfilled Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms. In other words, everything happened according to God’s plan (24:44-45). Therefore, Christ is the center of Scripture.
The goal of a proclamation is to open the understanding of people to the gospel. Thus, the one proclaiming should proclaim it according to Scripture. But, of course, it is still the Lord through His Spirit who will open their understanding and not us. Thus, we submit all to His will and ways.The Lord explained according to the Scriptures that it was necessary for Christ to suffer, die, and on the third day rise from the dead (24:46). The disciples witnessed these events (24:48), which became the heart of the gospel message.
Believers should never get tired of hearing this and proclaiming that the Lord suffered and died for our sins and that He resurrected from the dead because He had no sin.The Lord made it clear that His disciples should proclaim repentance to receive forgiveness. And they should proclaim it to all the nations (24:47). Repentance signifies a change of mind and emotion; it reverses direction.
Those who proclaim should resist the temptation not to include repentance in the message. The Lord commanded that His disciples preach repentance. Thus, true disciples should obey even if it feels uncomfortable.
Proclaim that Christ is the fulfillment
Christ fulfilled Moses, meaning the Old Covenant Law. Christ fulfilled the Psalms and the Prophets, which entailed prophecies. In other words, proclaim that Christ is the centerpiece of God’s plan.
Thus, we should have a Christ-centered view of the Old Testament. In the Torah, we see shadows of Christ in the tabernacle and the ceremonies. In the Psalms and Prophets, we see the prophecies concerning the messiah.Proclaim the heart of the gospel
What is the heart of the gospel? The heart of the gospel is the suffering, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, we should make it central in our proclamation. The gospel is about Christ, not us, not His blessings. It is what He did.
We should never get tired of proclaiming His suffering and death because of our sins. And we persist in proclaiming His resurrection because He had no sin. Christ was no ordinary man. He was the only worthy and perfect sacrifice.Proclaim repentance
The call to repentance is a call to turn around and follow Christ. It involves a change of perspective about sin, self, and godlessness. Those who repent shall receive forgiveness for their sin. But those who do not, well, will have no forgiveness. Thus, damnation.
All people sinned. Thus, all of us should repent. Repentance is not merely asking for forgiveness; it is about turning away from sin. It is also changing our perspective on sin and salvation. It is to reverse our current path if we are not following Christ.
Remove repentance from the proclamation, and you disobey the direct command of the Lord. Where does faith come in? If one truly has faith, they will repent. And if one does repent, it means that they have faith.
Discussion / Reflection
What is the heart of the gospel?
What should we proclaim after proclaiming the heart of the gospel?
How do we create opportunities to proclaim to family, friends, and acquaintances?