By Ed Pilapil Jr.
Wisdom and Wealth • Proverbs 11:24-26 • October 09, 2022 • English Service 10:00 AM
Sermon Introduction
Scripture speaks of the virtues of work, gathering the harvest, and storing to prepare for times of need. Yet Scripture also taught the wise to act generously, to share blessings, and sell what others need. Contrary to common logic, hoarding does not work well. Furthermore, giving wisely leads to enrichment and personal nurture. One may conclude that the ways of wisdom are not necessarily the ways of the world. The truth is that godly wisdom goes beyond earthly logic. Therefore, all who believe in His word should commit to following the ways of wisdom.
Proverbs 11:24-26 ESV
24 One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.
25 Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,
and one who waters will himself be watered.
26 The people curse him who holds back grain,
but a blessing is on the head of him who sells it.
Scripture speaks of the virtues of work, gathering the harvest, and storing to prepare for times of need. Yet Scripture also taught the wise to act generously, to share blessings, and sell what others need. Contrary to common logic, hoarding does not work well. Furthermore, giving wisely leads to enrichment and personal nurture. One may conclude that the ways of wisdom are not necessarily the ways of the world. The truth is that godly wisdom goes beyond earthly logic. Therefore, all who believe in His word should commit to following the ways of wisdom.
The proverb reveals the irony of those who generously give yet become richer. Conversely, it shows those who withhold resources but suffer lack. Although it is wise to gather and store, it is also wise to act generously.
24 One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. (Prov. 11:24)Enriched
The generous person shares blessings with others. Wisdom states that the generous shall be enriched. And they who refresh others will find themselves experiencing refreshment.
25 Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,
and one who waters will himself be watered. (Prov. 11:25)Blessing
One blessing that people may overlook is the blessing of purchasing fundamental needs. In times of need, people consider sellers of basic needs a blessing. Conversely, they curse all who hoard and do not sell them.
26 The people curse him who holds back grain,
but a blessing is on the head of him who sells it. (Prov. 11:25)
Let us not withhold what is due, like paying our debts. Let us also not delay a blessing if we are capable of such. Instead, let us sow seeds of generous blessings. The Lord will bless the generous among His people.
The promise of wisdom is enrichment and refreshment. Let us seek to bless others, then trust that the Lord will bless us in return. Let us thank God in advance after we act generously.
We should engage in trade that others deem a blessing; we should sell what people deem necessary. In times of need, we should sell others what will help them survive. But if we hoard them and do not sell them, people will curse us.
Reflection & Discussion
Explain the irony in verses 24 and 25.
What type of trade or business may we consider a blessing?
In what specific ways may we apply the wisdom from the proverbs?