Remain Faithful
Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 21 • Hebrews 10: 32-39 • April 4, 2021 • English Service 10:00 AM
Sermon Introduction
The author warned those who continue sinning willfully after learning about the gospel. It was like insulting the Son of God and disrespecting the blood of the covenant. He warned that God would take revenge in fiery judgment. Those who disregard the peace that God offers through Christ are enemies of God. His enemies shall suffer throughout eternity without mercy. The author then reminded them of their past faithfulness. Why should they throw away their confidence in Christ? They have already suffered for Him because they believed. The author encouraged them to continue in faith and never shrink back, for God will not be pleased.
Hebrews 10:32-39 NASB
32 But remember the former days, when, after being enlightened, you endured a great conflict of sufferings, 33 partly by being made a public spectacle through insults and distress, and partly by becoming companions with those who were so treated. 34 For you showed sympathy to the prisoners and accepted joyfully the seizure of your property, knowing that you have for yourselves a better and lasting possession. 35 Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. 36 For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.
37 For yet in a very little while,
He who is coming will come, and will not delay.
38 But My righteous one will live by faith;
And if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him.
39 But we are not among those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith for the safekeeping of the soul.
The author warned those who continue sinning willfully after learning about the gospel. It was like insulting the Son of God and disrespecting the blood of the covenant. He warned that God would take revenge in fiery judgment. Those who disregard the peace that God offers through Christ are enemies of God. His enemies shall suffer throughout eternity without mercy. The author then reminded them of their past faithfulness. Why should they throw away their confidence in Christ? They have already suffered for Him because they believed. The author encouraged them to continue in faith and never shrink back, for God will not be pleased.
The author reminded the readers about their faithfulness despite the persecution. The faithful ones showed compassion to persecuted believers. But as a result, the faithful ones lost property and suffered insults. The faithful ones knew that they have better possessions in Christ (10:32-34).
The author encouraged them not to throw away their confidence in Christ. For their confidence in Christ has many rewards. Moreover, they should continue to endure until the end. Then they would receive God’s promise. The ones who truly belong to the Lord will endure until the end (10:35-36).
The author warned of the coming of the Lord. He further explained that the Lord expects the righteous ones to live by faith, but if they shrink back, He would have no pleasure. The author encouraged them that they are not the ones who shrink back, but they have faith that preserves the soul (10:37-39).
Remain faithful in Christ despite the persecution. Stand firm on the gospel you believe in and support those the disciples of Christ. Be prepared to experience persecution and loss of property
Remain confident in Christ, our great high priest, and the One who sacrificed Himself for us. Despite the sufferings or persecution, we should endure until the end, looking forward to His reward.
Let us live by faith, which is believing the gospel of Christ with complete conviction. We will proclaim the death and resurrection of Christ and proclaim repentance for the forgiveness of sin. There is no shrinking back.
Discussion / Reflection
What did the author remind the faithful ones?
What should the believers not throw away?
What does God expect when He comes