Continue the Love
Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 40 • Hebrews 13:1-3 • August 22, 2021 • English Service 10:00 AM
Sermon Introduction
God will shake the heavens and the earth most terrifyingly. The author warned the readers of the letter to listen to Christ, who warns from heaven. On the other hand, the author encouraged the Jewish believers who were the recipients of the letter. The believers received an unshakeable kingdom in Christ. God will shake everything shakeable, but God will not shake those in Christ through faith and repentance because they belong to an unshakeable kingdom. The author then gave final instructions to the Jewish communities.
Hebrews 13:1-3 NASB
1 Let love of the brothers and sisters continue. 2 Do not neglect hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. 3 Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are badly treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.
God will shake the heavens and the earth most terrifyingly. The author warned the readers of the letter to listen to Christ, who warns from heaven. On the other hand, the author encouraged the Jewish believers who were the recipients of the letter. The believers received an unshakeable kingdom in Christ. God will shake everything shakeable, but God will not shake those in Christ through faith and repentance because they belong to an unshakeable kingdom. The author then gave final instructions to the Jewish communities.
The author instructed the Jewish believers to continue brotherly love, which was consistent with the instruction not to neglect the meeting of one another to encourage one another (13:1 & 10:25)
The author instructed the Jewish believers then not to neglect hospitality to strangers, such as visiting believers, strangers needing some hospitality. Some may have entertained strangers (13:2).
The author instructed Jewish believers to remember those in prison and those mistreated, persecuted for their faith. The reason of the author was, they belonged to the same body of Christ (13:3).
Let us continue to meet together and express brotherly love in His name. We should continuously meet through house churches and small groups like the early church in our church context.
Let us welcome visitors from different places, especially believers who need hospitality. Such is God’s will for the body of Christ. We may also welcome the unchurched to proclaim the gospel of Christ.
There is very little persecution against believers in our country, but there are many persecuted believers worldwide. We should remember them in prayer and extend blessings because we are one body in Christ.
Discussion / Reflection
How may we continue practicing brotherly love in Christ in our local church?
How may we practice hospitality to believers who visit, especially those who need hospitality?
How may we bless the persecuted believers here and around the world?