Bear With Me
Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 47 • Hebrews 13:22-25 • October 17, 2021 • English Service 10:00 AM
Sermon Introduction
The author inserted a postscript, a P.S., in the letter. First, he encouraged the readers to listen to his brief exhortation, which of course, meant the whole discourse. The main point, Christ is superior. Therefore, do not fall away, or you will face the consequences. But the P.S. was more like a humble appeal. Then, perhaps, he wanted to reintroduce the relationship tone, which was evident in the expressed desire to fellowship with the readers. And lastly, the author encouraged them to greet the leaders, which we may assume, he respected as a fellow leader
Hebrews 13:22-25 NASB
22 But I urge you, brethren, bear with this word of exhortation, for I have written to you briefly. 23 Take notice that our brother Timothy has been released, with whom, if he comes soon, I will see you. 24 Greet all of your leaders and all the saints. Those from Italy greet you.
25 Grace be with you all.
The author inserted a postscript, a P.S., in the letter. First, he encouraged the readers to listen to his brief exhortation, which of course, meant the whole discourse. The main point, Christ is superior. Therefore, do not fall away, or you will face the consequences. But the P.S. was more like a humble appeal. Then, perhaps, he wanted to reintroduce the relationship tone, which was evident in the expressed desire to fellowship with the readers. And lastly, the author encouraged them to greet the leaders, which we may assume, he respected as a fellow leader
The author appealed to the readers to listen to the message carefully. Although he wrote with authority and warning, he hoped that the readers would welcome the short message (13:22)
The author shared the plan to visit the letter's recipients, which would happen once Timothy comes soon. The author expressed the desire for fellowship but did not explain Timothy’s burden (13:23)
The author instructed the readers to greet the leaders and the saints. In other words, show courtesy to all, especially to leaders. It is also possible that the author was extending his greetings to them (13:24-25).
Listen to the word of God through preachers and other believers. Study God’s word carefully. Even if it is painful or uncomfortable, bear it, make the word permeate your mind and heart.
Desire godly fellowship with other believers, especially with spiritual leaders. If we open our minds and hearts, we will gain wisdom and receive blessings to care for our souls.
Always show courtesy to all of God’s people, especially the leaders. As a community, we should build God-glorifying relationships. We must overcome our shyness and timidity. And we must remind our fellow believers
Discussion / Reflection
Why do you think the author appealed to the readers?
How may we improve our fellowship with each other, especially with leaders who teach us God’s word (e.g., Growth Group Leader)?
In what ways may we show courtesy to all believers, especially our leaders (e.g., pastors and elders)?