Throne of Grace
Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 8 • Hebrews 4:14-16 • October 25, 2020 • English Service 10:00 AM
Sermon Introduction
The author of Hebrews warned his readers to enter into God’s rest, and that they should not follow the example of disobedience, which was unbelief. The ancestors provoked God to anger through their unbelief. The result, God made sure that they would not enter into His rest. Thus, the author admonished the Jewish believers to enter His rest through faith diligently. Else, God’s word like a double-edged sword will cut them in judgement, and there would be no place to hide. On one side, there is rest through faith in Christ; on the other side is the judgement of no rest for their souls. Therefore, TODAY if we hear His voice, we should not harden our hearts. Let us believe while it is still TODAY because tomorrow might be too late.
Hebrews 4:14-16 NASB
14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yetwithout sin. 16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
The author of Hebrews warned his readers to enter into God’s rest, and that they should not follow the example of disobedience, which was unbelief. The ancestors provoked God to anger through their unbelief. The result, God made sure that they would not enter into His rest. Thus, the author admonished the Jewish believers to enter His rest through faith diligently. Else, God’s word like a double-edged sword will cut them in judgement, and there would be no place to hide. On one side, there is rest through faith in Christ; on the other side is the judgement of no rest for their souls. Therefore, TODAY if we hear His voice, we should not harden our hearts. Let us believe while it is still TODAY because tomorrow might be too late.
The writer of Hebrews once again instructed the recipients of the letter to hold firmly to what they believe. They believe that Christ is the great High Priest who ascended to heaven, who is the Son of God, and God (4:14).
The author mentioned that Christ, the great High Priest is not one who cannot sympathize with us. He is the high priest who can sympathize because Christ was tempted in every way like us, but did not sin (4:15).
The author encouraged the Hebrew believers to approach with confidence the throne of grace, where they could find mercy and grace, and help in time of need (4:16). Please take note that it is because Christ is a great High Priest who could sympathize with us.
Let us hold on to Christ quickly and firmly. In Christ, we have a great High Priest who intercedes for us. But outside Christ, the double-edged sword will hunt us down to judge us, with nowhere to hide (4:12).
Let us treasure the knowledge about Christ that He is the High Priest who can sympathize with us. He experienced temptation like us, but He did not sin. Let us praise God for His victory, and let us thank Christ for His sympathy.
If at times we feel weak spiritually, or we feel disappointed with the way we lived, let us humbly yet with confidence approach God’s throne of grace, that we may find forgiveness, mercy, and grace. It is possible through Christ.
Discussion Guide
Describe Christ in detail, according to Hebrews 4:14-16.
Why can every true believer approach God’s throne of grace with confidence?