Wisdom and Excellence
Series Break • Proverbs 22:29, 10:26, 25:13, 25:19 • February 27, 2022 • English Service 10:00 AM
Sermon Introduction
Those who pursue wisdom will pursue excellence, which means there is no room for laziness. Developing skills needs time, focus, and energy. However, excellence is not the only important trait. Those who pursue wisdom should learn faithfulness. In every work, one must cultivate faithfulness, which means being faithful to the task and those who rely on us. The opposite of faithfulness is treachery and deceit, traits that came naturally growing up. Treachery and deceit may find their way in the simplest or complex tasks. Yet a person in pursuit of wisdom must outgrow such. Progressed reaped from deceit and treachery breeds enemies. One enemy of such is the Sovereign God.
Dr. Ed Pilapil Jr.
Senior Pastor
Proverbs 22:29, 10:26, 25:13, 25:19 ESV
29 Do you see a man skillful in his work?
He will stand before kings;
he will not stand before obscure men.
26 Like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes,
so is the sluggard to those who send him.
13 Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest
is a faithful messenger to those who send him;
he refreshes the soul of his masters.
19 Trusting in a treacherous man in time of trouble
is like a bad tooth or a foot that slips.
Those who pursue wisdom will pursue excellence, which means there is no room for laziness. Developing skills needs time, focus, and energy. However, excellence is not the only important trait. Those who pursue wisdom should learn faithfulness. In every work, one must cultivate faithfulness, which means being faithful to the task and those who rely on us. The opposite of faithfulness is treachery and deceit, traits that came naturally growing up. Treachery and deceit may find their way in the simplest or complex tasks. Yet a person in pursuit of wisdom must outgrow such. Progressed reaped from deceit and treachery breeds enemies. One enemy of such is the Sovereign God.
There is a certain level of excellence or skill that will gain the appreciation of significant people. The audience of the skillful is not insignificant. In contrast, the unskilled are surrounded by the insignificant (22:29)
29 Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.
One of the opposites of the excellent is the sluggard, described as vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes. The lazy is unreliable and should not be trusted with important work because they are irritants (10:26).
26 Like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to those who send him.
Faithful people refresh the souls of those who send them. The faithful are
reliable. Moreover, the faithful are steady in their belief and confirm their actions
13 Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a faithful messenger to those who send him; he refreshes the soul of his masters.
The treacherous are unfaithful and deceitful. One cannot trust in them. They are like a toothache or the injury incurred when you slip. One cannot trust them with important things (25:19).
19 Trusting in a treacherous man in time of trouble is like a bad tooth or a foot that slips.
Develop your skills and reach excellence where significant people can appreciate your contribution. Remove laziness from your system because you will irritate the people around you.
Faithfully carry out the work entrusted to you. You will refresh the hearts of those who hired you. Avoid treachery and deceit at all costs, no lies and halftruths, else you will lose the trust of those who rely on you.
Reflection & Discussion
What is the relevance of this message to believers?
What practical consequences will the lazy and treacherous reap?
What practical rewards will the excellent and faithful reap?