Wisdom & Friendship II
Part 2 • Proverbs 17:17, 22:24-25, 25:17, 27:14,17 • December 6, 2020 • English Service 10:00 AM
Sermon Introduction
As a community of believers, it is good to develop bonds of friendship. We all have the same Lord and Savior, and we all submit to the Holy Scriptures. What is common between us is high, wide, and deep. More than anything the world could offer. As we develop friendships, may we be guided by the wisdom of Scripture, not the world.
Proverbs 17:17 NASB
A friend loves at all times,
And a brother is born for adversity.
Proverbs 22:24-25 NASB
24 Do not make friends with a person given to anger,
Or go with a hot-tempered person,
25 Or you will learn his ways
And find a snare for yourself.
Proverbs 25:17 NASB
Let your foot rarely be in your neighbor’s house,
Or he will become weary of you and hate you.
Proverbs 27:14 NASB
One who blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning,
It will be considered a curse to him.
Proverbs 27:17 NASB
As iron sharpens iron,
So one person sharpens another.
The body of Christ, the church, is a community of believers. And in community life, we develop friendships. Our prayer is that we build friendships built on Biblical wisdom. Scripture is full of wisdom. The wise in heart will take heed. But the fools will ignore the wisdom of the ages. May we develop bonds of friendships aligned with God’s word.
A wise friend loves at all times, not just when it is convenient. As brothers (and sisters), we should defend each other in Christ. In our community, we correct one another, but we also protect each other.
A friend loves at all times,
And a brother is born for adversity (17:17).
Friends may influence one another. Therefore, we must choose our friends wisely. Scripture warns us not to associate with someone who cannot control his/her temper, lest we learn their ways.
Do not associate with a man given to anger;
Or go with a hot-tempered man,
Or you will learn his ways
And find a snare for yourself (22:24-25).
Wise friends should sharpen one another as iron sharpens iron. Friends should sharpen one another’s devotion to the Lord, service to family, commitment to the great commission, and involvement in the community.
Iron sharpens iron,
So one man sharpens another (27:17).
Friends are like good neighbors. They will welcome you yet you should not overstay the welcome. A wise friend is aware of his/her friend’s need for personal time. In other words, give space.
Let your foot rarely be in your neighbor's house,
Or he will become weary of you and hate you (25:17).
A blessing may be considered a curse if done wrong. One must be sincere and aware of the timing of the blessing. Excessive praise is not always good. Therefore, blessings must be done right.
He who blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning,
It will be reckoned a curse to him (27:14).
Reflection & Discussion
How may friends love each other at all times?
Why should we choose our friends wisely?
How may we sharpen one another?
In what ways do we “overstay our welcome”?
In what ways can a blessing be done wrong?